Genxys-Updated treatment algorithms for different disease

January 11, 2021

  • Updates to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and H. pylori Eradication:All TreatGx users now have access to the updated treatment algorithms for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) and H. pylori Eradication. The GERD algorithm provides pharmacotherapy options for adults with mild/intermittent or moderate-severe GERD symptoms, and treatment options for pregnancy. The H. pylori Eradication algorithm provides pharmacotherapy options for adults who have tested positive for H. pylori infection, with or without endoscopy confirmation. Both algorithms incorporate the latest treatment guideline recommendations

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  • Update to Atrial Fibrillation-Rate Control:The updated Rate Control algorithm provides personalized medication treatment options for each patient based on whether they have certain cardiovascular comorbidities , including those with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, or hypertension. This algorithm continues to provide personalized dosing and information based on pharmacogenetics, kidney function, and liver function, and now includes an additional beta-blocker, nebivolol.

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  • Chronic Gout and Prevention of NSAID-Induced Gastrotoxicity:New information about pharmacogenetic testing for select populations before starting allopurinol are included, based on the latest evidence-based recommendations from the 2020 American College of Rheumatology Guideline for the Management of Gout. Four additional NSAID options for anti-inflammatory prophylaxis have also been added to give clinicians a broad range of medications to select from, based on patient specific factors. 

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