• Connect with the startup ecosystem and explore entrepreneurship

    TYDO is committed to becoming a leading brand in the global entrepreneurial ecosystem, gathering global innovation resources such as new energy, biotechnology and chips to serve global start-ups.
  • Global Community Driven in order to discover new entrepreneurs of next generation

    We provide tools, knowledge, funding and supported networks to help innovators like you build a better business.
  • TYDO Incubator provide services to global start-ups

    Making life better by supporting innovation startups is TYDO’S goal and pride.
The common denomination behind all the ideas and projects that TYDO INCUBATOR supports are their commitment to change the world better.
Mentor & Experts
Fund raising

Start-up Builder Program

Help to create an entrepreneur’s idea into a viable business model and be validated by real customers

Enterprise one-on-one Diagnosis

Senior executives of well-known enterprises and exports and professors of related industries provide specialized diagnostic services for enterprises, and make accurate plans for enterprise growth.

Seed Funding

Direct seed funding for qualified start-up companies.

Breakout Grow Your Startup

A program focuses on media friendship, brand management, and marketing strategy will accelerator the entrepreneurs business scope and management skill. Also Provide social platform, establish financing road show training and on-side simulation.

Smart Invest Club

The IIC Club, led by investment professionals, sets up awards for start-up companies and individuals to raise investment funds.

Hub to Canada

Services and supports to China companies to set up branches in Canada, from registration to set up branches, broad marketing chanels and seek financing.


Exciting News! We have Moved t...

Our new address is:300 – 1055 West Hastings Street, Vancouve...

GenXys Wins MedTech Breakthrou...

GenXys, Changing the Face of Clinical Decision Support Softw...

GenXys Launches Precision Pres...

GenXys Launches Precision Prescribing Program for Mental Hea...

Contact Us

Please find below contact details and contact us now!

  • Phone: +1 778-776-6809
  • Email: you@tydo.ca
  • Mon to Sat: 9.00am to 16.pm
Apply Now

Please fill out the form below and we will contact you in time!